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Privacy policy

Consent Policy

As a CECPG Member / Parent of a CECPG Member, you’re at the heart of everything we do. We promise to respect your privacy, and we will never sell or swap your data with any third parties.

By agreeing to be a CECPG Member / Parent of a CECPG Member, you confirm:

• you have legal responsibility for you and/or your child, are entitled to give this consent, you understand and accept the club constitution and policies of the CECPG as contained upon the club website http://www.cecpg.com

• you consider you and/or your child to be physically fit and capable of full participation and agree to notify the club of any changes to the medical information provided.

• you give your consent that in an emergency situation the CECPG may act in loco parentis. You understand that, if the need arises for the administration of emergency first aid and / or other medical treatment which in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner may be necessary, all reasonable steps will be taken to contact you or an emergency contact linked to your membership.

• you understand it is the responsibility of the Parent / Legal Guardian for transporting children to and from all training sessions.

• you are aware that there may be times that photographs and or video footage may be taken during training sessions by approved agents or officers of the CECPG. Such images shall only be used for publicity / training purposes in accordance with the “Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children Policy”.

• you give your consent for you and/or your child to feature in such photos / images.

• you give your consent for the CECPG to use the data provided in this form for legal reasons associated with the running of the club, and to provide you with the club’s services.

• you give your consent for the CECPG to use the data provided in this form to keep you updated about our news, events and other communications.

• you understand that you are able to withdraw your consent to use the data in this form at any time by outlining a request in an email to the CECPG through the Contact Section of the CECPG website

• you confirm that unless you request to have the data removed, the data in this form may remain on the CECPG's database.

You have the right to check, amend or withdraw any information you have disclosed by contacting the CECPG by email.

Data policy

Data Protection Policy

Data protection. The CECPG will use the information provided on this form (together with other information it obtains about the player “Information”) to administer his/ her cricketing activity at the CECPG and in any activities participated in through the CECPG. In some cases this may require the CECPG to disclose the Information to County Boards, Leagues and to the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB). In the event of a medical or legal issue arising, the Club may disclose certain information to doctors or other medical specialists and/or to police, the Courts and/or probation officers and, potentially to legal and other advisers involved in an investigation. As the person completing this form, you must ensure that each person whose information you include in this form knows what will happen to their information and how it may be disclosed.

Terms and Conditions

Child Protection Policy

The CECPG is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its junior members to ensure that all young cricketers have a safe and positive experience.

We have a Welfare Officer that you are able for contact with regards to any matters whose details are below:-

Welfare Officer: Joe Figg

The club also applies the ECB’s ‘Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’. A copy of ‘Safe Hands’ is available for inspection here: Clubmark Policies And Documents